The Rosebud Brand
The Rosebud Brand is focused on self empowerment and educating others on how to empower themselves. Self-empowerment is the act of taking charge of your life and destiny by making positive choices and taking action. It involves having confidence in your ability to make and carry out decisions, and believing in your ability to overcome life's challenges and create positive change. Self-empowered people are motivated to learn and achieve, and understand their strengths and weaknesses. Our intention is to enlighten, encourage, and empower you to ALWAYS move FORWARD in your journey, NEVER BACK!
The Story Behind The Brand | From Airman To Entrepreneur
The Journey To My Highest Self
Welcome to Jasmine's Journey, I am Jasmine The Journeylist and I am here with The Rosebud Brand where it's my mission to provide you the motivation you need, to always move forward in your journey, never back!
I am on a journey to reach my highest self and full potential. I believe that by deepening my relationship with myself and being obedient to my spirit I am able to educate and demonstrate the value of remaining focus and discplined in your journey.
Tupac said, "I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.”
So I am shining my light on the world around me and am allowing my radiance to attract success. I am laying a firm foundation, planting impactful seeds on my journey and I am having faith in my ability to blossom! Stay tuned & Join The Journey!